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Mortar injection pumps


Mortars Injections pumps are used to structural consolidation and / or grouting of cavity, walls, ceilings, underground, bridges, tunnels and general building structures, with different types of materials cement based, lime or special type with possible anti-shrinkage or expansive features.
The material mixed apart is poured into the hopper of the machine, by its pumping system the material passes in pressure into the hose and then injected into the structure to be grouting and / or consolidate by the appropriate injection gun with pressure gauge to perform controlled pressure injections, or a conic gun to perform a simple groutings.



cement injection pump FCX 80

new FCX 80 - horizontal worm pump, 230 V single-phase with inverter or 400 V three-phase, combining the injection kit with recycle, it can be perform controlled pressure injection and / or simple grouting, ensuring their perfect realizations.

mortar injector pump FC 50

FC 50 - horizontal worm pump , 230 V single-phase with inverter, standard as filling joints machine, combining the injection kit with recycle, it can be perform controlled pressure injection and / or simple grouting, ensuring their perfect realizations.

cement grouting pump PMF 10

PMF 10 - vertical worm pump 400 V three-phase, standard as finishing plastering machine, combining the injection kit with recycle, it can be perform controlled pressure injection and / or simple grouting mixed into the hopper, ensuring their perfect realizations.

single-phase mortar grouting pump PMF 5

PMF 5 - vertical worm pump 230 V single-phase with inverter, low power consumption, standard as finishing plastering machine, combining the injection kit with recycle, it can be perform controlled pressure injection and / or simple grouting mixed into the hopper, ensuring their perfect realizations.