Plastering machines and transporter machines


Plastering machine is a building site machine suitable for apply the plaster on the walls, ceilings and structures in general.
In the plastering machines the material mixed apart or dry in bags or silo, is poured into the hopper of the machine, so by its direct pumping system or integrated mixing-pump, the material passes in pressure into the hose, exits from its terminal part which is connected to the spray gun with different shape and diameters of nozzle, that are interchangeable for each type of use.
The exits plaster is projected onto the the surface or structure to be plastered by using compressed air, that even itself comes out from the spray gun, the operator can control the starting and stopping of the pump by air valve of the spray gun or by the electric remote control.
Most of Edilmac plastering machines, by removing the spray gun and connecting the transport gun, can be easy become a mortars transporter machines to convey the mixed mortar to the operator's work floor by the material hose.



traditional mortar sprayer FCX 80

new FCX 80 - horizontal worm pump, 230 V single-phase with inverter or 400 V three-phase, combining the vibrating screen, it can be used as a compact small plastering machine for traditional wet mortars, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 5 mm.

Piston plastering machine EVUTECH for traditional mortars

EVUTECH - power axial pistons plastering machine, based on new Edilmac pistons pump concept, performance and reliability its winning formula; suitable for medium and big building company, 400 V three-phase, pump flow rate up to 55 l/min, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 12 mm.


          Piston plastering machine P 90 for traditional mortars

P 90 - piston plastering machine, leader on its category, suitable for small and medium building company, 230 V single-phase with inverter or 400 V three-phase, pump flow rate up to 40 l/min, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 6 mm.

peristaltic plastering machine TS 35

TS 35 - peristaltic plastering machine, easy use and cleaning its dominant character, 230 V single-phase with inverter or 400 V three-phase, pump flow rate up to 30 l/min, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 4 mm.

worm screw plastering machine PC 500 L - PC 500 I

PC 500 L and PC 500 I - horizontal worm plastering machines, suitable for pumping almost of plasters, 400 V three-phase with inverter and adjustable pump flow rate up to 45 l/min only for PC 500 I, requested vibrating screen, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 8 mm.

single-phase worm screw plastering machine PC 500 M - PC 500 C

PC 500 M and PC 500 C - horizontal worm plastering machines, suitable for pumping various type of plasters, 230 V single-phase with inverter or 400 V three-phase, requested the vibrating screen, adjustable pump flow rate up to 22 l/min only for PC 500 M, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 5 mm.

Small single-phase plastering machine FC 50

FC 50 (2,2 kW) - small horizontal worm pump 230 V single-phase with inverter, standard as filling joints machine, combining the vibrating screen and the compressor kit, only for 2,2 kW version, on necessary it can be a plaster sprayer for traditional plasters, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 5 mm.




Ready-mix dry plaster in bags or in silos, usable dry ONLY with mixing pumps or continuous mixers integrated into the pumps, which automatically mix the material with water and then pump it.

Mixing pump CK 30 for ready-mix dry mortars

CK 30 - vertical worm plastering machine with mixing pump, 400 V three-phase, pump flow rate up to 30 l/min, excellent performance and suitable for medium building company, mix and pump ready-mix dry plasters with aggregate granulometry 0 - 5 mm.

Double-mixing plastering machine CK 25 for ready-mix plasters

CK 25 - Double mixing plastering machine, ready-mix dry mortars perfectly mixing and pumping by double-mixing system, 400 V three-phase, pump flow rate up to 30 l/min, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 5 mm.

Sigle-phase plastering machine CK 20 for ready-mix mortars

CK 20 - mixing plastering machine 230 V single-phase with inverter and vertical worm system, optimizing power consumption and guaranteed performance with no compromise, suitable for small building company, adjustable pump flow rate up to 20 l / min, mix and pump ready-mix dry plasters with aggregate granulometry 0 - 3 mm.


Ready-mix dry plasters in bags or in silos which it MUST BE MIXING APART; with water automatically using continuous mixer L 25 or IMPACT or by silo L 60; with water dosing manually using planetary mixer R 50 or mixing whisk, then to be poured into the hopper of the plastering machines for its pumping

premixed plastering machine FCX 80

new FCX 80 - horizontal worm pump, 230 V single-phase with inverter or 400 V three-phase, used to spraying also ready mix wet plasters, adjustable pump flow rate up to 22 l/min for FCX 80 M only, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 5 mm.

worm screw ready-mix plastering machine PC 500 L - PC 500 I

PC 500 L and PC 500 I - horizontal worm plastering machines, suitable for pumping almost of plasters, 400 V three-phase with inverter and adjustable pump flow rate up to 45 l/min for PC 500 I only, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 8 mm.

single-phase worm screw plastering machine PC 500 M - PC 500 C

PC 500 M and PC 500 C - horizontal worm plastering machines, suitable for pumping various type of plasters, 230 V single-phase with inverter or 400 V three-phase, adjustable pump flow rate up to 22 l/min for PC 500 M only, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 5 mm.

Small single-phase plastering machine FC 50

FC 50 (2,2 kW) - small horizontal worm plastering machine 230 V single-phase with inverter, standard as filling joints machine, combining the compressor kit, only for 2,2 kW version, on necessary it can be a plaster sprayers for plastering jobs with ready mix wet plasters, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 5 mm.

masonry Premixed wet mortars piston plastering machine EVUTECH

EVUTECH - power axial pistons plastering machine, based on new Edilmac pistons pump concept, performance and reliability its winning formula; suitable for medium and big building company, 400 V three-phase, pump flow rate up to 55 l/min, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 12 mm.




Dry or wet material in bags, mixed by the built-in agitator of the machine' s hopper and if necessary with manually dosed water.

Plastering and transport machine for finish plasters - PMF 10

PMF 10 - vertical worm pump with double mixing, 400 V three-phase, can mix, spray and transport dry and wet finishing plaster thanks thanks to the mixing divided from pumping, very large hopper (10 bags), pump flow rate up to 26 l/min.

Single-phase plastering and transport machine for finish plasters - PMF 5

PMF 5 - vertical worm pump with double mixing, 230 V single-phase with inverter, low power consumption, can mix, spray and transport dry and wet finishing plasters thanks to the mixing divided from pumping, adjustable pump flow rate up to 14 l/min.


Dry or wet material in bags which it MUST BE MIXING APART using planetary mixer R 50, mixing whisk or concrete mixer, ONLY if it' s a dry type using continuous mixer L 25 or Impact, then to be poured into the hopper of the plastering machines for its pumping.

finish coat plastering machine FCX 80

new FCX 80 - horizontal worm pump, 230 V single-phase with inverter or 400 V three-phase, can be suitable for transport and spray finish renders and skim coat, adjustable pump flow rate up to 22 l/min for FCX 80 M only.

Plastering machine FC 50 for finishing plaster

FC 50 - horizontal worm pump, 230 V single-phase with inverter, standard as filling joints machine, combining the compressor kit, if necessary it can become a sprayer to perform plastering jobs with finishing plasters.



worm screw pump for special and restructuring renders PC 500 L - PC 500 I

PC 500 L and PC 500 I - horizontal worm plastering machines, suitable for pumping almost of materials, kit on request dependent on the type of special material, 400 V three-phase with adjustable pump flow rate up to 45 l/min for PC 500 I only, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 8 mm.

single-phase worm screw plastering machine PC 500 M - PC 500 C

PC 500 M and PC 500 C - horizontal worm plastering machines, suitable for pumping various type of plasters, kit on request dependent on the type of special material, 230 V single-phase with inverter or 400 V three-phase, adjustable pump flow rate up to 22 l/min only for PC 500 M, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 5 mm.

special renders plaster sprayer FC 50

FC 50 - small horizontal worm plastering machine 230 V (single-phase) with inverter, standard as filling joints machine, combined with various modular kits ( depends on material type) it can be a plaster sprayers for special thin layer materials, for example waterproof, insulating, anti-salt and others.

peristaltic plastering machine TS 35 for special light renders

TS 35 - peristaltic plastering machine, ideal for lightweight special materials based cork, hemp, polystyrene, clay or cereal husk, fiber mortars, capoti and mortars for renovations, 230 V single-phase con inverter or 400 V three-phase, pump flow rate up to 30 l/min.

Piston plastering machine EVUTECH for special renders

EVUTECH - power axial pistons plastering machine, based on new Edilmac pistons pump concept, performance and reliability its winning formula; suitable for medium and big building company, 400 V three-phase, pump flow rate up to 55 l/min, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 12 mm.

refractory mortar plastering machine FCX 80

new FCX 80 - horizontal worm pump, 230 V single-phase with inverter or 400 V three-phase, used to spraying also special wet plasters, adjustable pump flow rate up to 22 l/min for FCX 80 M only, pumpable aggregate granulometry 0 - 5 mm.


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